Tag Archives: Teaching and Learning

Teaching Conversations: Undergraduate Research and Faculty Mentorship











Wednesday, April 3, 2024
12 p.m.-1 p.m.

Undergraduate Research and Faculty Mentorship
Led by Nathan Price
This workshop will explore the benefits of undergraduate research. Additionally, the team from the Center of Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities (CURCA) will discuss their efforts to diversify undergraduate research participants at UNG.

Register:  https://ung.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_51hAfuIF5eW7IxM
Website: https://ung.edu/center-teaching-learning-leadership/programs/teaching-and-learning/teaching-conversations.php

Teaching Conversations: Dealing with Disruptive Students











Wednesday, March 6, 2024
12 p.m.-1 p.m.

Dealing with Disruptive Students
Led by Kelly McFaden and Lori Furbush
This workshop will provide faculty with strategies for dealing with disruptive and offensive   student behavior. Participants will learn how to identify and respond to disruptive behavior in a way that is both effective and respectful. The workshop will also cover topics such as setting clear expectations, building rapport with students, and classroom management strategies.

Register:  https://ung.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_51hAfuIF5eW7IxM
Website: https://ung.edu/center-teaching-learning-leadership/programs/teaching-and-learning/teaching-conversations.php

Teaching Conversations: Building Student Study Skills











Wednesday, February 7, 2024
12 p.m.-1 p.m.

Building Student Study Skills
Led by Susan Brantley, Lori Furbush, and Nathan Price
The focus of this session will be to provide faculty with strategies for helping students develop effective study skills. Participants will learn about the different types of study skills, as well as how to assess students’ individual needs. The workshop will also cover topics such as time management, note-taking, test-taking, and research.

Register:  https://ung.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_51hAfuIF5eW7IxM
Website: https://ung.edu/center-teaching-learning-leadership/programs/teaching-and-learning/teaching-conversations.php

Fulbright Session: Your Future as a Fulbright Scholar











Wednesday, January 31, 2024
12 p.m.-1 p.m.

Topic: Your Future as a Fulbright Scholar
Presenters: Dr. Guenet Abraham
Join Dr. Guenet Abraham, Visual Artist, from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County to learn about her experience as a Fulbright Scholar in Ethiopia.  As a Fulbright Alumni Ambassador she can assist with application details and share personal considerations like taking your family, finding accommodation, and finances while on the Fulbright. View Dr. Abraham’s Bio here.

The Fulbright U.S. Scholar Programs offers U.S. faculty, administrators and professionals grants to lecture, and/or conduct research in a wide variety of academic and professional fields, or to participate in seminars.

This series will feature information about the Fulbright process as well as personal insights and experiences from faculty who participated in the program. All sessions will be live via Zoom and video-recorded for archival purposes.

Website: https://ung.edu/center-teaching-learning-leadership/programs/teaching-and-learning/fulbright-sessions.php
Registration: https://ung.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_1RCGu4PmQ2p0o2q

Collaborative Online International Learning Series: Globalizing Your Courses through COIL











Thursday, November 16, 2023
12:30 p.m.-1:30 p.m.

Globalizing Your Courses through COIL
Led by Yizhe Huang, Lauren Johnson, Tomoe Nishio, Robin O’Day, Laurel Wei, and Candice Wilson
This session brings together various UNG faculty integrating COIL into their teaching from different academic subfields, such as education, anthropology, media studies, and language learning. This interdisciplinary panel discussion will showcase the versatility of COIL for intercultural learning through a diversity of approaches.

Register: https://ung.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6EkereJ58qYjgzA
More information: https://ung.edu/center-teaching-learning-leadership/programs/teaching-and-learning/collaborative-online-international-learning-coil-series.php

Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) is a form of virtual exchange that involves connecting two or more classes in different locations under the guidance of teachers or trained facilitators. This four-part series will outline experiences and outcomes of COIL partnerships implemented by UNG faculty and colleagues abroad. The series will wrap up with an interdisciplinary panel discussion featuring a Q&A session. All sessions will be live via Zoom and video-recorded for archival purposes.

Collaborative Online International Learning Series: Integrating COIL for Intercultural Learning











Thursday, November 2, 2023
12:30 p.m.-1:30 p.m.

Integrating COIL for Intercultural Learning: Cases with Nanzan University
Led by Tomoe Nishio, Robin O’Day, Laurel Wei, and Candice Wilson
This session will feature several COIL projects between UNG and its partner school in Japan, Nanzan University. UNG/Nanzan faculty will illustrate administrative and academic aspects of their unique COIL projects, discuss pedagogical implications, and provide practical tips for future projects. Student voices will also be presented.

Register: https://ung.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6EkereJ58qYjgzA
More information: https://ung.edu/center-teaching-learning-leadership/programs/teaching-and-learning/collaborative-online-international-learning-coil-series.php

Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) is a form of virtual exchange that involves connecting two or more classes in different locations under the guidance of teachers or trained facilitators. This four-part series will outline experiences and outcomes of COIL partnerships implemented by UNG faculty and colleagues abroad. The series will wrap up with an interdisciplinary panel discussion featuring a Q&A session. All sessions will be live via Zoom and video-recorded for archival purposes.

Teaching Conversations: Finding Student Success Opportunities in Scholarship and Service











Wednesday, November 1, 2023
12 p.m.-1 p.m.

Finding Student Success Opportunities in Scholarship and Service
Led by Lori Furbush and Nathan Price
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on students, both academically and personally. Faculty can help students post-COVID by being understanding and flexible, providing resources and support, and creating a welcoming and inclusive environment.

Register:  https://ung.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_51hAfuIF5eW7IxM
Website: https://ung.edu/center-teaching-learning-leadership/programs/teaching-and-learning/teaching-conversations.php

Fulbright Sessions: Teaching About Taiwan: Fulbrighters Sharing Their Stories











Monday, October 30, 2023 
12 p.m.-1 p.m. 

Topic: Teaching About Taiwan: Fulbrighters Sharing Their Stories
Presenters: Brent Allison
Winnifred Namatovu
Trina Bryant, Executive Director, Eastern Nazarene College
Paul Carrington, Managing Director, University of Washington
Christine Farias, Associate Professor, City University of New York
Cerian Gibbes, Associate Professor, University of Colorado
John Givens, Associate Professor, Spelman College
Chevelle Hall, Associate Professor, Virginia State University
Mao Lin, Associate Professor, Georgia Southern University
Ray Mikell, Assistant Professor, Jackson State University
Carol Schmid, Professor, Guilford Technical Community College
Ying-Chiao Tsao, Associate Professor, California State University 

In the summer of 2023, 16 faculty from across the United States representing a broad array of disciplines participated in a Fulbright-Hays seminar in Taiwan. They toured the island and participated in many cultural exchanges while learning about Taiwan’s politics, economics, social issues, educational system, and biodiversity. In this session, some of these faculty will discuss their experiences and how those affected their teaching. The session will include breakout rooms for economics, education, political science, and other fields to allow for more focused discussions. 

The Fulbright U.S. Scholar Programs offers U.S. faculty, administrators and professionals grants to lecture, and/or conduct research in a wide variety of academic and professional fields, or to participate in seminars. 

This two-part series will feature information about the Fulbright process as well as personal insights and experiences from faculty who participated in the program. All sessions will be live via Zoom and video-recorded for archival purposes. 

Website: https://ung.edu/center-teaching-learning-leadership/programs/teaching-and-learning/fulbright-sessions.php
Registration: https://ung.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_1RCGu4PmQ2p0o2q 

Fulbright Sessions: The Hidden Gems of the Fulbright Programs: Lessons from the field with Dr. Karen Barton 











Wednesday, October 25, 2023 
12 p.m.-1 p.m. 

Topic: The Hidden Gems of the Fulbright Programs: Lessons from the field with Dr. Karen Barton 
Presenters: Kelly McFaden, Karen Barton 
Dr. Karen Barton (University of Northern Colorado) is a geographer, explorer, and storyteller who has received nine Fulbright Awards which have taken her and her students all over the world. In this session, she will share her insights into the Fulbright process from application through to award and project completion, as well as highlight some underexplored resources available through Fulbright. You can find more info about Dr. Barton and her work at https://www.karenbarton.org/ This session is suitable for faculty from all disciplines. 

The Fulbright U.S. Scholar Programs offers U.S. faculty, administrators and professionals grants to lecture, and/or conduct research in a wide variety of academic and professional fields, or to participate in seminars. 

This two-part series will feature information about the Fulbright process as well as personal insights and experiences from faculty who participated in the program. All sessions will be live via Zoom and video-recorded for archival purposes. 

Website: https://ung.edu/center-teaching-learning-leadership/programs/teaching-and-learning/fulbright-sessions.php
Registration: https://ung.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_1RCGu4PmQ2p0o2q  

Collaborative Online International Learning Series: An Introduction to COIL











Thursday, October 5, 2023
12:30 p.m.-1:30 p.m.

An Introduction to COIL: An Active Learning Approach that Promotes Intercultural Learning
Led by Sheila Schulte, Lauren Johnson, Tomoe Nishio, and Yizhe Huang
Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) is a form of virtual exchange that involves connecting two or more classes in different locations under the guidance of teachers or trained facilitators. This session will introduce the COIL approach and elements for designing and implementing a COIL project into an existing course through showcasing a classroom level COIL collaboration between UNG and a university in Beijing, China, Minzu University of China. Students’ learning outcomes of intercultural communication competencies will also be presented.

Register: https://ung.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6EkereJ58qYjgzA
More information: https://ung.edu/center-teaching-learning-leadership/programs/teaching-and-learning/collaborative-online-international-learning-coil-series.php

Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) is a form of virtual exchange that involves connecting two or more classes in different locations under the guidance of teachers or trained facilitators. This four-part series will outline experiences and outcomes of COIL partnerships implemented by UNG faculty and colleagues abroad. The series will wrap up with an interdisciplinary panel discussion featuring a Q&A session. All sessions will be live via Zoom and video-recorded for archival purposes.

Teaching Conversations: Navigating Difficult Discussions in the Classroom











Wednesday, October 4, 2023
12 p.m.-1 p.m.

Navigating Difficult Discussions in the Classroom
Led by Kelly McFaden
This workshop will introduce you to strategies for facilitating productive discussions on difficult or divisive topics in the classroom.

Register:  https://ung.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_51hAfuIF5eW7IxM
Website: https://ung.edu/center-teaching-learning-leadership/programs/teaching-and-learning/teaching-conversations.php

Teaching Conversations: Creating Interactive Lectures











Wednesday, September 6, 2023
12 p.m.-1 p.m.

Creating Interactive Lectures
Led by Lori Furbush
Tired of seeing glazed looks from your students but don’t want to abandon lectures? This workshop will discuss strategies to keep students engaged during class.

Register:  https://ung.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_51hAfuIF5eW7IxM
Website: https://ung.edu/center-teaching-learning-leadership/programs/teaching-and-learning/teaching-conversations.php

Teaching Conversations











Wednesday, April 13, 2022
12:00 p.m.-1:00 p.m.
Zoom on D2L

Different Grading Strategies
Led by Courtney Ferriter and Nathan Price

This session will explore different grading strategies and analyze the benefits and drawbacks to trying to give students autonomy over course activities. We will also discuss the benefits and drawbacks of traditional grading structures vs. labor-based or contract grading. 

This series of six workshops across the full academic year will be offered virtually on Zoom on D2L with facilitators from all five campuses together.

Click here to register. 

This session is offered as part of the Teaching Conversations Series.
Faculty who successfully participate in TC sessions and complete a reflective statement may qualify for the TC certificate.

Click here to register. 

Teaching Conversations












Wednesday, March 9, 2022
12:00 p.m.-1:00 p.m.
Zoom on D2L

Preparedness of First-Year Students
Led by Nathan Price

As we transition out of the pandemic, we are likely to confront new challenges in the upcoming years as we welcome students to our five campuses who have experienced a severe disruption to their education. This session will explore strategies for providing scaffolding for students who may lack some of the skills they need to be successful in rigorous college courses. 

This series of six workshops across the full academic year will be offered virtually on Zoom on D2L with facilitators from all five campuses together.

Click here to register. 

This session is offered as part of the Teaching Conversations Series.
Faculty who successfully participate in TC sessions and complete a reflective statement may qualify for the TC certificate.

Click here to register. 

Research-Based Teaching Series (RBTS)











Date: Wednesday, March 2, 2022
Time: 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Location: Zoom
Find out more information and register.

Topic: Supporting First-Year Students: Successes and Challenges of a New Mentorship Program
Led by: Danielle Hartsfield and Royce Dansby-Sparks
The Mentorship Affinity Group project is a new program aimed at facilitating informal mentor/mentee relationships between first-year Honors students and faculty. Workshop participants will learn 1) how the Mentorship Affinity Group program was implemented, 2) and the program’s successes and challenges. The workshop will be informative to faculty, staff, and administrators who wish to increase faculty/student interaction, which could yield positive outcomes such as greater retention rates, academic achievement, and increased collaboration on research and creative activities. 

RBTS seeks to support the work of faculty from all disciplines, colleges, and campuses by offering faculty presentations and workshops on best practices in teaching and learning. These workshops not only provide information and resources for faculty seeking to enhance their own pedagogical practices, but also give faculty an opportunity to present their work to peers. All sessions will be live on Zoom and video-recorded for archival purposes.

Find out more information, here.

Teaching Conversations











Wednesday, February 9, 2022
12:00 p.m.-1:00 p.m.
Zoom on D2L

Inclusive Pedagogy
Led by Courtney Ferriter

This session will present strategies for incorporating diversity and inclusion in the classroom. We will discuss various forms of inclusive pedagogy as well as “small teaching” tips to supplement existing pedagogical approaches. 

This series of six workshops across the full academic year will be offered virtually on Zoom on D2L with facilitators from all five campuses together.

Click here to register. 

This session is offered as part of the Teaching Conversations Series.
Faculty who successfully participate in TC sessions and complete a reflective statement may qualify for the TC certificate.

Click here to register. 

Research-Based Teaching Series (RBTS)











Date: Wednesday, February 2, 2022
Time: 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Location: Zoom
Find out more information and register.

Topic: Fostering Diversity and Inclusion in the Classroom through the Discussion of Visual Culture
Led by: Ana Pozzi Harris
Modeling a classroom activity applicable for all academic levels, this workshop will demonstrate the potential of using art images and images of visual culture to introduce discussions about diversity and inclusion as part of course content. Images used represent forms of identity, affirmation, social protest, and awareness about issues of the present day. The learning outcomes of this activity are for participants to connect learned information with their own social experiences of race and gender, and to collaborate with other participants to enrich their multicultural perspective.

RBTS seeks to support the work of faculty from all disciplines, colleges, and campuses by offering faculty presentations and workshops on best practices in teaching and learning. These workshops not only provide information and resources for faculty seeking to enhance their own pedagogical practices, but also give faculty an opportunity to present their work to peers. All sessions will be live on Zoom and video-recorded for archival purposes.

Find out more information, here.

Teaching Conversations



Wednesday, November 10, 2021
12:00 p.m.-1:00 p.m.
Zoom on D2L

The Mental Health Crisis: Finding Resources for Our Students and Ourselves
Led by Lori Furbush

The pandemic has exacerbated an already alarming mental health problem on college campuses, and faculty often find themselves drawn into it. This session will discuss how to recognize concerning signs and what to do about it. 

This series of six workshops across the full academic year will be offered virtually on Zoom on D2L with facilitators from all five campuses together.

Click here to register. 

This session is offered as part of the Teaching Conversations series.
Faculty who successfully participate in TC sessions and complete a reflective statement may qualify for the TC certificate.

Click here to register. 

Research-Based Teaching Series (RBTS)











Date: Wednesday, November 3, 2021
Time: 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Location: Zoom
Find out more information and register.

Topic: Case Study Teaching Methods to Improve Student Learning 
Led by: Clayton Teem
Case studies are used in many fields to enhance knowledge and application of subject matter. Yet, research suggests that many students do not learn as much from case studies because the students lack enough of an internal framework to understand the important points and detect meaningful data patterns; that is, students are relatively novice learners working towards a greater mastery of course material from professors who are comparative experts. This presentation will review some techniques to help students expand their understanding derived from case studies, e.g., “talking aloud,” visual illustration of essential vs nonessential information, and using small team discussion forums           

RBTS seeks to support the work of faculty from all disciplines, colleges, and campuses by offering faculty presentations and workshops on best practices in teaching and learning. These workshops not only provide information and resources for faculty seeking to enhance their own pedagogical practices, but also give faculty an opportunity to present their work to peers. All sessions will be live on Zoom and video-recorded for archival purposes.

Find out more information, here.

Teaching Conversations











Wednesday, October 13, 2021
12:00 p.m.-1:00 p.m.
Zoom on D2L

Remembering How to Teach in 3D: Strategies to Promote Engaging and Productive Classroom Discussion
Led by Kelly McFaden

Did you know there are lots of ways to hold a classroom discussion? This session will focus on strategies, methods, and outcomes of various pedagogical approaches centered of facilitating classroom discussion for both small and large classrooms. 

This series of six workshops across the full academic year will be offered virtually on Zoom on D2L with facilitators from all five campuses together.

Click here to register. 

This session is offered as part of the Teaching Conversations Series.
Faculty who successfully participate in TC sessions and complete a reflective statement may qualify for the TC certificate.

Click here to register.