Tag Archives: Awards

Faculty-Staff Awards Ceremony- Gainesville

Monday, November 7, 2016
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Gainesville Campus  | Continuing Education Performing Arts Auditorium, 108

All faculty and staff are invited to attend this year’s Faculty-Staff Awards Ceremony on the Gainesville Campus. The program will begin at noon followed by light refreshments.

Faculty-Staff Awards Ceremony- Dahlonega Campus

Friday, November 4, 2016
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Dahlonega Campus  | Dahlonega Banquet Room

All faculty and staff are invited to attend this year’s Faculty-Staff Awards Ceremony on the Dahlonega Campus. The program will begin at noon followed by light refreshments.

Faculty-Staff Awards Ceremony- Oconee

Thursday, November 3, 2016
3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Oconee Campus  | Student Resource Center, 522

All faculty and staff are invited to attend this year’s Faculty-Staff Awards Ceremony on the Oconee Campus. The program will begin at noon followed by light refreshments.

Interdisciplinary Research: 3D Printing and Successful Collaborations

Cumming, 262
Dahlonega, LTC 162 (Video Teleconference launch site)
Gainesville, Nesbitt 5105
Oconee, 564

Facilitated By: Alison Alhadeff, Terrie Millard, Jon Mehlferber

Come hear how the UNG 2013 Presidential Innovation Award funded our research on 3D printing and enabled significant opportunities for teaching and discovery for not only us, but also for all of the students. Eight students (seven graduate students and one undergraduate student) were extensively involved in the research.

This project provides a model for how other interdisciplinary research could be designed.

To register for the workshop above, please fill out this *Workshop Registrationnew window form or email rsvp.ctll@ung.edu.



Faculty Awards: Nominations Deadline

University of North Georgia’s Center for Teaching, Learning, and Leadership (CTLL) offers faculty and staff awards to recognize excellence in teaching and learning, engagement, and emerging leadership. While these awards do not carry a monetary stipend, they are an acknowledgment of exceptional accomplishments and contributions to UNG.

University Wide Awards:
Distinguished Teaching Award
Distinguished Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Award

Campus-Based Awards:
Teaching Excellence Award
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Award
Best Practices in Service Learning Award
Fostering Engagement Award
Emerging Leader Award

For more information about eligibility, or the nomination and selection process, go to CTLL Faculty Awards



Presidential Award Nomination Due

President Jacobs announced three initiatives that will provide extraordinary institutional support for faculty and staff development and innovation.

Presidential Summer Scholars Award
Presidential Semester Scholars Award
Presidential Innovation Award

The Presidential Awards are managed by Associate Provost Maryellen Cosgrove. See the Presidential Awards Page for further information.