Tag Archives: Diversity and Global Learning

Empowering the Student with Autism in the University Environment

If  you plan to attend this workshop, please RSVP by emailing Tammy Kroll, Tammy.Kroll@ung.edu.

Dahlonega Campus | Library Technology Center 163
Gainesville Campus | Hosch Library 134
Oconee Campus | Room 522

Presented by: Dr. Matthew Segall, Emory Autism Center

A workshop for everyone in academia who wishes to learn more about providing support to others who are dealing with Autism.

Dr. Matthew Segall is a psychologist and educational consultant working with individuals with autism spectrum disorders, their families, and educational teams. Dr. Segall’s skills and interests include transition to post-secondary education, practical educational and behavioral strategies, individual psychotherapy, and diagnostic and psycho-educational evaluations. Dr. Segall also has strong collaborative skills in working with interdisciplinary teams and program development.

This offering is an introductory seminar for those who have not attended this workshop before. A new, more advanced workshop will be offered in Fall 2017 with a roundtable question and answer period.

This workshop will be videotaped and captioned. The Power Point presentation will be distributed to individuals on each campus. The first 15 minutes of this workshop will be viewing a Youtube video from the Gainesville Campus. The Oconee and Dahlonega Campuses may view the video from Gainesville, but the video may be somewhat delayed. If you would like Student Disability Services to forward the video to you, please contact Student Disability Services – Gainesville Campus.

If you plan to attend this workshop, please RSVP by emailing Tammy Kroll, Tammy.Kroll@ung.edu.

Promoting Diversity and Inclusiveness (Private)

Monday, November 16, 2015 from 12:00 p.m. -1:00 p.m.
Dahlonega Campus | Barnes Hall 216

Part of the Academic Leadership Monthly Meeting Series, this meeting will be facilitated by
 Sheila Caldwell, Advisor to the President on Diversity.

Light refreshments will be provided.

This event is offered by invitation only.
To register, please send an email to rsvp.ctll@ung.edu

These gatherings will be offered at  the Dahlonega, Gainesville, and Oconee Campuses on varying dates.


The Power of Inclusion in the 21st Century Workplace

Monday, November 9, 2015
12:00 p.m.-1:00 p.m.

Oconee Campus | Student Resource Center, Room 522

Part of the Diversity Speaker Series sponsored by Diversity at UNG.

Kristin Reichman, corporate trainer and advocate for workplace inclusion, will share her experiences as a transgender woman.

She aspiresto help people identify and eliminate the traps that prevent them from achieving their highest potential. Kristin has been featured in Los Angeles TimesEchelon magazine and Southern Voice. Kristin is a former conference chair and president of the Board of Directors for the Annual Southern Comfort Conference, geared toward the spectrum of transgender people. In 2007, she co-founded the First Annual Transgender Career Expo, focusing on workplace equality and drawing corporate sponsors such as American Airlines, Microsoft, and Turner Broadcasting.

The Power of Inclusion in the 21st Century Workplace

Monday, November 9, 2015

9:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m.
Gainesville Campus | Continuing Education Building Auditorium
Dahlonega Campus | Hoag Student Center Auditorium (Simulcast)

Part of the Diversity Speaker Series sponsored by Diversity at UNG.

Kristin Reichman, corporate trainer and advocate for workplace inclusion, will share her experiences as a transgender woman.

She aspiresto help people identify and eliminate the traps that prevent them from achieving their highest potential. Kristin has been featured in Los Angeles TimesEchelon magazine and Southern Voice. Kristin is a former conference chair and president of the Board of Directors for the Annual Southern Comfort Conference, geared toward the spectrum of transgender people. In 2007, she co-founded the First Annual Transgender Career Expo, focusing on workplace equality and drawing corporate sponsors such as American Airlines, Microsoft, and Turner Broadcasting.

Inclusive Excellence in the Workplace

Inclusive Excellence in the Workplace
Deon Clark, CEO  of TCI Solutions

Wednesday, October 7,  2015
9:00 a.m.-10:30 a.m.
Dahlonega Campus| Hoag Student Center Auditorium

Part of the Diversity Speaker Series, this session is designed for human resources professionals.

It is one of four presentations centered on “Inclusive Excellence” with Deon Clark, CEO of TCI Solutions, LLC.  He will talk to students, faculty and staff at the University of North Georgia’s (UNG) Dahlonega and Gainesville campuses about the cultivation and value of diversity.

Click here for more information on Diversity at UNG.

Inclusive Excellence: The Business of People in the Language of Business

Inclusive Excellence:  The Business of People in the Language of Business
Deon Clark, CEO  of TCI Solutions

Tuesday, October 6, 2015
12:30 p.m.-1:30 p.m.
Gainesville Campus | Robinson Ballroom

Part of the Diversity Speaker Series, this session is designed for faculty and staff.

It is one of four presentations centered on “Inclusive Excellence” with Deon Clark, CEO of TCI Solutions, LLC.  He will talk to students, faculty and staff at the University of North Georgia’s (UNG) Dahlonega and Gainesville campuses about the cultivation and value of diversity.

Click here for more information on Diversity at UNG.

Inclusive Excellence: The Art of Being Me While Accepting You

Inclusive Excellence:  The Art of Being Me While Accepting You
Deon Clark, CEO  of TCI Solutions

Tuesday, October 6, 2015
10:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m.
Gainesville Campus | Robinson Ballroom

Part of the Diversity  Speaker Series, this session is designed for students.

It is one of four presentations centered on “Inclusive Excellence” with Deon Clark, CEO of TCI Solutions, LLC.  He will talk to students, faculty, and staff at the University of North Georgia’s (UNG) Dahlonega and Gainesville campuses about the cultivation and value of diversity.

Click here for more information on Diversity at UNG.


High-Impact Teaching Practices Roundtable – Dahlonega

Dahlonega | Hoag Student Center | Room 207A

Facilitated by Sheri Hardee and Kelly McFaden

As this is our Year of Engagement, high-impact practices are more vital than ever in ensuring that our students are engaged in their learning, the classroom, the university, and their wider communities. This year’s Faculty Academy is centered on high-impact practices, with a specific focus on global and diversity initiatives, service-learning, and undergraduate research and/or creative projects in the classroom. Come join members of our Faculty Academy and the Center for Teaching, Learning, and Leadership’s Faculty Fellows as they discuss their current projects, including the challenges and successes of developing, sustaining, researching, and writing about classroom and student engagement. In this informal workshop, we will share ideas about what UNG faculty are currently doing as well as future plans for engaged classrooms and research. Anyone interested in high-impact practices is welcome to attend.

This workshop is one of three sessions taking place on different campuses that will cover the same material:

Oconee | November 11 | Room 522 | 12:00pm – 1:00pm
Gainesville | November 17 | Nesbitt 5105 | 12:00pm – 1:00pm
Cumming | November 17 | 262 via VTC | 12:00pm – 1:00pm

Please attend the session that is most convenient for you.

High-Impact Teaching Practices Roundtable – Gainesville and Cumming

Gainesville | Nesbitt | 5105
Video teleconference to Cumming | 262

Facilitated by Sheri Hardee and Amye Sukapdjo

As this is our Year of Engagement, high-impact practices are more vital than ever in ensuring that our students are engaged in their learning, the classroom, the university, and their wider communities. This year’s Faculty Academy is centered on high-impact practices, with a specific focus on global and diversity initiatives, service-learning, and undergraduate research and/or creative projects in the classroom. Come join members of our Faculty Academy and the Center for Teaching, Learning, and Leadership’s Faculty Fellows as they discuss their current projects, including the challenges and successes of developing, sustaining, researching, and writing about classroom and student engagement. In this informal workshop, we will share ideas about what UNG faculty are currently doing as well as future plans for engaged classrooms and research. Anyone interested in high-impact practices is welcome to attend.

This workshop is one of three sessions taking place on different campuses that will cover the same material:

Oconee | November 11 | Room 522 | 12:00pm – 1:00pm
Dahlonega | November 18 | Hoag 207A | 12:00pm – 1:00pm

Please attend the session that is most convenient for you.

High-Impact Teaching Practices Roundtable – Oconee

Oconee Campus | 522

Facilitated by Sheri Hardee

As this is our Year of Engagement, high-impact practices are more vital than ever in ensuring that our students are engaged in their learning, the classroom, the university, and their wider communities. This year’s Faculty Academy is centered on high-impact practices, with a specific focus on global and diversity initiatives, service-learning, and undergraduate research and/or creative projects in the classroom. Come join members of our Faculty Academy and the Center for Teaching, Learning, and Leadership’s Faculty Fellows as they discuss their current projects, including the challenges and successes of developing, sustaining, researching, and writing about classroom and student engagement. In this informal workshop, we will share ideas about what UNG faculty are currently doing as well as future plans for engaged classrooms and research. Anyone interested in high-impact practices is welcome to attend.


This workshop is one of three sessions taking place on different campuses that will cover the same material:

Gainesville | November 17 | Nesbitt 5105 | 12:00pm – 1:00pm
Cumming | November 17 | 262 via VTC | 12:00pm – 1:00pm
Dahlonega | November 18 | Hoag 207A | 12:00pm – 1:00pm

Please attend the session that is most convenient for you.


Faculty Research Colloquium: Teaching Global Perspectives

Presented by: Amye Sukapdjo

Thursday, February 27, 2014 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm
Dahlonega Campus | Library Technology Center, Room 162

Based on her paper Global Language Learning in the 21st Century: Developing Global, Linguistic and Cultural Competencies at Project Zero Perspectives: Thinking and Learning in the 21st Century, American School in London, London, England (October 4-6, 2013) — Project Zero is an educational research group at the Graduate School of Education at Harvard University. Project Zero’s mission is to understand and enhance learning, thinking, and creativity in the arts, as well as humanistic and scientific disciplines, at the individual and institutional levels. Project Zero conferences are produced in collaboration with the Center for the Advancement and Study of International Education (CASIE).

To sign up for the workshop above, please send the name of the workshop and the
campus on which you will attend to: rsvp.ctll@ung.edu.