Tag Archives: Teaching and Learning

Research-based Teaching Series: Everything you wanted to know about Undergraduate Research that we could fit into an hour

Monday, February 1, 2016
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Blue Ridge Campus | 107
Cumming Campus  | Room 246
Dahlonega Campus  | Stewart  260
Gainesville Campus | Nesbitt 2214
Oconee Campus | Room 501

Facilitated by Bryan Dawson and Anastasia Lin

In this session, we will give an overview of teaching the literature review process covering topics such as conducting journal research, annotating texts, integrating sources, and writing a literature review.  Using English classes as models, we will then look at scaffolding undergraduate research.  Finally, the session will conclude with some interactive time devoted to brainstorming projects across the curriculum.

Click on the following link to register.

LEAP UNG: Integrating Service-Learning Pedagogy in the Classroom

Service-Learning is a high-impact educational practice that connects classroom learning with real-world experience.  In this session you will learn from Margaret Williamson and Andrew Pearl, about best practices and about service-learning at UNG. This is part of the LEAP UNG Speaker Series.

Please follow the link below for log-in information:

https://web.ung.edu/media/DETI/BbCollaborateVirtualRoomAccessInfo-LEAP Jan25.pdf