The United States Constitution inspired democracies across the world. On September 17th, 2018, it marked 231 years of existence. University of North Georgia President, Bonita Jacobs, declared that all five campuses would honor the day.

The Gainesville and Blue Ridge campuses handed out voter registration forms. In addition, on the Gainesville Campus, the Politically Incorrect Club joined with the Student Government and the History Club in distributing U.S. Constitution booklets and voter registration forms.

On the Dahlonega Campus, the Political Science Association honored Constitutional topics in two separate Crossfire discussion sessions, on both the 12th and the 19th. Topics focused on First Amendment Constitutional issues and issues on privacy versus security. The Political Science Association and the American Democracy Project hosted Dr. Scott Meachum, assistant professor of political science, who presented a special lecture focusing on issues related to the first amendment on September 19. Dr. Scott Meachum spoke on the freedom of speech and how it is applied in the modern world. The Cumming Campus also held a Crossfire discussion on similar Constitutional topics on September 17th. The American Democracy Project also hosted Superior Court Judge David Sweat who led a discussion about the Constitution on the Oconee Campus.

ADP is a multi-campus initiative focused on higher education’s role in preparing the next generation of informed, engaged citizens for the democracy. ADP’s goal is to produce graduates who are committed to being active, involved citizens in their communities.

FIVE faculty members in the department currently serve on the American Democracy Project Committee: Maria Albo, Phil Branyon, Carl Cavalli, Kerry Stewart and Douglas Young.

You can read more about Constitution Day activities here: