Tip: Start with a Word Document

Take the guesswork out of creating accessible content in an eLearning@UNG (D2L) course by writing the content in Microsoft Word.

Use Word styles (Heading 1, Heading 2, Heading 3, Heading 4, and normal) to format the page. Don’t add any photos or graphics. When done, use the Word Accessibility Checker and correct any accessibility issues.

Create an eLearning@UNG (D2L) file ( in a course module, select Upload/Create > Create a file).

Copy the text from Word and paste it into the D2L Brightspace Editor.

Remove Formatting

When asked to choose to keep or remove formatting, select remove formatting.

The D2L Brightspace Editor will replace the original font used by Word with Lato, the sans serif font recommended by D2L Brightspace. The editor overrides Word settings and uses settings that are readable on all devices.

Bold and italics text styling are retained, but indents and colored text are removed. They can be added, if necessary, using the Brightspace Editor.

When the page is done, add any photos, graphics or videos.

Text pasted from a Word document into the Brightspace Editor can use either the Word document formatting or remove the formatting and replace it with D2L Brightspace Editor settings.

The result is text that is easier to read, especially on mobile devices.

Text without formatting viewed on a mobile device has larger heading text sizes and converts text to sans serif fonts for easier reading on mobile devices.
How it looks on a mobile device: Text pasted into the Brightspace Editor with formatting removed (left) and the same text while with original Word document formatting (right).