Submit a DETI Award Nomination

Deadline is April 5th

DETI is now accepting nominations for two awards: the Innovative Use of Technology Award and Excellence in Online Teaching Award.

The nominees must be full-time UNG faculty or teaching staff.


Spring 2021: Nominations due no later than April 5

May 2021: Applicants notified of committee decisions

Fall 2021 Convocation: Awards announced to the UNG community

The Awards

1.  Innovative Use of Technology Award

This award recognizes a UNG faculty or staff member whose innovative use of technology has improved teaching and or other work environments in achieving stated goals and objectives.

2.  Excellence in Online Teaching Award

This award recognizes a UNG faculty member whose creative, innovative, and well-designed course facilitates learning and engagement while meeting course objectives. In addition, the nominee will have had taught a minimum of 12 credit hours of fully online instruction at UNG across the fall, spring, and summer semesters.

The Nomination Process

These four documents are required:

  1. Letter of Nomination from a colleague
  2. Letter of Support from a coordinator, chair, or dean
  3. Letter of Support from a student (or students)
  4. Curriculum Vitae of Nominee

Submit a Nomination

Visit the DETI Awards Page on MyUNG (UNG login required).

Click the “Go to the Online Submission Form” link.

Complete the brief form and follow the submissions document submission directions.

The deadline for submission is April 5th.