Introducing Anthology Ally

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Anthology Ally logo

A new accessibility tool will be added to eLearning@UNG (D2L) during the Fall Semester.

Anthology Ally (formerly Blackboard Ally) provides course content in a wide range of alternative formats, and gives instructors feedback and guidance for improving accessibility. Over time, instructors will learn how to make their content more accessible.

Formats for All Learners

When implemented, students will be able to read their instructor’s original course content, or choose to download and read (or hear) the content in other formats. Ally will quickly and automatically perform the format conversions.

When will Ally Appear in D2L?

Ally will become available during the Fall Semester. More information will be provided as the software is phased in.

Watch the Video

Ally D2L Brightspace Explainer: The Challenges of Accessibility (

Updated August 2022