Myths about the Digital Marketing Concentration


In listening to conversations about the Digital Marketing Concentration I have come across some common misconceptions/assumptions about the program that are incorrect.  Below I have included the DM Myth – followed by the reality.

  • Myth: A concentration involves more classes than a “normal” marketing degree
    • Reality: Every marketing major (with or without a concentration takes 7 marketing classes – after Principles of Marketing)
  • Myth: I won’t get a marketing degree if I concentrate in digital marketing 
    • Reality: You will STILL earn a B.B.A. in Marketing with a Digital Marketing Concentration.
    • Every marketing major takes the same three core classes: Consumer Behavior, Marketing Research and Marketing Management.
  • Myth: Specializing in a concentration will LIMIT my options
    • Reality:  No – quite the opposite; It will differentiate you.
    • Not that many schools in the nation offer multiple (3+) digital related marketing courses (only 15%!). Only 1 out of 10 require Digital Marketing
    • We are part of 2% that require DM + Specialized programs
  • Myth: You can’t teach me anything about social media I don’t already know

    • Reality:  Dependency on social media does not equal proficiency. Using social media personally is very different than for a business.
  • Myth: I don’t have time for an internship
    • Reality: You can do an internship in the summer or during the school year.
    • If you can’t do an internship you can replace this requirement for a 3000-4000 marketing course (i.e. advertising, retailing, etc.)

Please let me know if you have any questions (