Films On Demand: Featured Videos for June

Screenshot of Films On Demand Calendar

Screenshot of the Films on Demand Calendar for June

Films On Demand, an online video database, contains thousands of online educational videos that are professionally closed-captioned. They range from short clips to full-length documentaries.

On Demand videos can be easily embedded into an eLearning@UNG (D2L) online class module. You can search for On Demand videos using the film’s title or item number.

Videos Suggested by Films On Demand for the Month of June

Consider these titles for your classes:

75th Anniversary of D-Day, June 6, 1944

  • D-Day 360 (Item #131323)
  • D-Day in HD series (Item #130757)
  • Utah Beach (D-Day) (Item #155261)
  • Pride of Our Nation (June 1944–August 1944) (Item #44295)
  • Breakout from Normandy: The Lost Evidence (Item #42406)
  • Bill Moyers Journal: D-Day Revisited (Item #37442)

June Is LGBT Pride Month

  • Growing Up Trans (Item #111640)
  • After Stonewall: America’s LGBT Movement (Item #65987)
  • The Play Within: An LGBTQ Documentary (Item #145493)
  • Out in the Lineup: Uncovering the Taboo of Homosexuality in Surfing (Item #137742)
  • Gender Revolution: A Journey with Katie Couric (Item #138020)
  • When I Knew (Item #39806)
  • TEDTalks: LZ Granderson—The Myth of the Gay Agenda (Item #52999)
  • Lesbian Nation (Item #141966)


Need Films On Demand instructions? Read our previous story

Accurately Closed-Captioned Videos: Part 2