Online Resources for April 2019

DETI Online Resources

Created for UNG instructors and staff.

You will find information about eLearning@UNG (D2L), resources for Faculty Development and Course Design, plus instructions and tips for using Kaltura, Turnitin, ProctorU, Top Hat, Smarthinking and more.

Log in with your UNG credentials.

(on myUNG) Click to Visit the DETI site →

A Pedagogic Framework for Developing Self-Directed Learning

This is the second of a five-part series on Self-Directed Learning (SDL) from SoftChalk Talk Blog.

In this series, Dennis Sale will unpack SDL in terms of what it actually means and entails as a human capability (e.g., the key underpinning competencies) and how teaching/training professionals can best design and facilitate learning experiences (e.g., strategies) to enhance students’ self-directed learning.

In this second post, Mr. Sale outlines, explains and illustrates an Evidence-based Pedagogic Framework for developing SDL. This is the underpinning theoretical rationale for the subsequent posts detailing the strategies to be used and how they work.

SoftChalk Talk Blog

(on Part 2: Click to Read More →

Previous Blog Post in the Series

(on Read Part 1: Framing Self-Directed Learning →

What’s SoftChalk?

SoftChalk is a popular course-authoring software that can create web-based course modules and lessons that can contain a variety of interactive and engaging content.  These course modules and lessons can be linked and integrated into an eLearning@UNG (D2L) course.

(myUNG login required) Visit DETI’s SoftChalk section →

Need help with SoftChalk? Submit a DETI Service Ticket to request assistance.