Films On Demand: Featured Videos for April

Screenshot of April 2019 Films On Demand featured videos

Featured Films On Demand videos for April.

Here is a selection of topics featured this month on the Films On Demand calendar.

Distracted Driving Awareness Month

Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Autism Awareness Month

Financial Literacy Month

National Robotics Week

World Health Day

Earth Day

Arbor Day

Easter Sunday


Martin Luther King Jr.

The U.S. Civil War

The Spanish Civil War

How to Access Films On Demand

Screenshot of the UNG Libraries website showing the Find Databases tab.

Screenshot of the UNG Libraries website.

Access the online video database by visiting the UNG Library Services website. Click the Find Database link, click the letter F, and select Films On Demand from the list of search results.

Visit the On Demand calendar section by clicking the menu (hamburger button) icon next to the website’s logo. Click the calendar link. Clicking an image of a topic will provide additional videos about that topic.

How to Insert a Films On Demand Video into eLearning@UNG

Use the Insert Stuff icon to search for and embed a video, into an eLearning@UNG (D2L) module.


Need additional Films On Demand instructions? Read the previous story.

Accurately Closed-Captioned Videos: Part 2