Quality Matters Online Course Peer Review Process

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​”The Quality Matters Program is a nationally recognized, faculty-centered, peer review process designed to certify the quality of online courses and online components. Colleges and universities across and beyond the U.S. use the tools in developing, maintaining and reviewing th​eir online courses and in training their faculty.” UNG has adopted this nationally recognized review process to promote continuous improvement and ensure high quality online courses.

The Quality Matters Rubric Standards [LINK] has become the most widely used set of standards for the design of online courses. ​

All online classes must be reviewed as part of the UNG online Course Quality Initiative [LINK]. Online courses must meet the specific quality standards based on the QM Rubric; which include a set of 8 General Standards and 43 Specific Review Standards used to evaluate the design of online and blended courses. A score of 84 points out of 99, together with meeting all 3-point standards, is required for an online course to be considered as having met QM standards.​

UNG’s peer reviews are conducted by a team of QM certified peer reviewers [LINK]. Peer reviewers are faculty members who have been certified in the use of the QM​ Rubric. The QM review is ​​​​​​a faculty-driven, collaborative, peer review process, based on a model of continuous improvement and quality design, it is collegial, not evaluative or judgemental, it is centered on the student experience, and designed to provide feedback on course design, not course delivery/content​.

(on myUNG) Click to Read More →