
Online Learning Readiness Assessment

After completing the free SmarterMeasure survey and assessments online, the student receives a detailed report of their strengths and opportunities for growth, along with helpful resources. It provides students with measures of their readiness for online learning.

The Assessment

Is the student a self-starter? How many classes do they currently take? Are they working while attending school? Have they taken an online class before?

There are no “right” or “wrong” answers to the survey.

SmarterMeasure has six sections that take about 5 minutes each to complete. The student is emailed a Personal Identification Number (PIN) to access the website should more time be needed or to review the results.

It provides assessment results along with graphics to show the student’s score and how they compare to other UNG students.

Students can review and download their results.

The UNG SmarterMeasure Assessment

Smartermeasure link on online learning at ung page right rail
The Online Readiness Assessment link on

UNG students and prospective students can take the assessment.

Students can visit the Online Learning at UNG section of and click the Online Learning Readiness Assessment link on the right rail.

They can also visit the website at

Add SmarterMeasure to a Course

SmarterMeasure can be integrated with eLearning@UNG. Instructors can add the assessment as an assignment within their online course. Instructors are able to see which students complete the assessment along with a variety of reports, analytics and additional information regarding the results.

The SmarterMeasure dashboard in D2L with students and their scores
Click the gear icon next to the student’s name to open the student’s assessment.

Instructors can review their student’s assessment and provide assistance when needed.

Students take the assessment once. If they took the assessment before SmarterMeasure is added to the course, the information will already be available in the assessment results section.

Add SmarterMeasure to an eLearning@UNG (D2L) Course Module

Follow these step-by-step instructions:

Using SmarterMeasure in a Course (PDF) (UNG login required)

Once one or more students complete the assessment their results are displayed in the course module for the instructor.