Online Resources for May 2019

This is the third of a five-part series on Self-Directed Learning (SDL) from SoftChalk Talk Blog.

In this series, Dennis Sale will unpack SDL in terms of what it actually means and entails as a human capability (e.g., the key underpinning competencies) and how teaching/training professionals can best design and facilitate learning experiences (e.g., strategies) to enhance students’ self-directed learning.

In this third post, Mr. Sale explains the methodology for the systematic infusion and facilitation of metacognitive strategies.

Part 3: An Infusion Model for Metacognitive Strategies

(on Click to Read More

Previous Blog Post in the Series

(on Click to Read Part 2: A Pedagogic Framework for Developing Self-Directed Learning

(on Click to Read Part 1: Framing Self-Directed Learning →

What’s SoftChalk?

SoftChalk is a popular course-authoring software that can create web-based course modules and lessons that can contain a variety of interactive and engaging content.  These course modules and lessons can be linked and integrated into an eLearning@UNG (D2L) course.

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